
Charlene Campbell teaches Earth and Space Science at McKeel Academy, a not-for-profit charter school. In 1998, the school joined the charter school movement and opened the first secondary conversion charter school in Florida. It now has three campuses in Lakeland, Florida. In 2011, the Florida Department of Education recognized McKeel Academy as a high performing charter school system.

McKeel Academy


Teaching was going absolutely well but I needed a foolproof and sustainable mechanism to test my students. I wanted to get an indication of their level of understanding. I also wanted my students to get immediate feedback after each test. Paper-based assessment that we used until recently was time-consuming. So, I was looking for something more efficient.


I love Training Maker because I no longer have a difficult time deciphering whether students have and have not taken a training or test. My students also prefer Training Maker because they receive immediate results and feedback. I also get immediate reports. If a student makes an error, I can review their training with them. The best part is that it is PAPERLESS!!!

I love that I can provide my students with a link and they then have the ability to take my training with all randomized questions and at the end of the day I don't have to deal with papers!

Features I value most include: Being able to set a date and time for a test or training to open and close. Also, the cumulative test results let me see what areas need to be reviewed for the class as a whole and the ease of adding multimedia into questions.


ProProfs Training Maker has helped me, as a school teacher, to really organize my lessons. It is so easy to make training course and tests, and the results, the data, students tests, cumulative reports and stats are all in one place that is easy to locate. I have already recommended ProProfs to all of my colleagues and other teachers I know. It is hands down the easiest, most efficient program I have ever used in my classroom and my students love it too.

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