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9 LMS Reporting and Analytics Tools to Track Training (2024)


In the realm of modern education and training, LMS reporting and data analytics companies are essential for success. However, you need to understand that LMS reports are not solely valuable to training analysts or LMS users. These reports hold immense value for various stakeholders, each with distinct interests in specific data or analytics.

In this post, I will explain the different types of reports and the stakeholders who need them.

9 Types and Examples of LMS Reporting

Based on my expertise, I’ve compiled the following types of LMS reporting templates. They can add value to the training initiatives of professionals, such as senior management, HR managers, team leaders, L&D managers, and course instructors.

So, let’s begin!

1. Course Reports – Best for Tracking Course Progress 


Course reports are one of the most valuable LMS reporting types that provide essential insights into the performance and progress of learners within a specific course.

Educators can track individual and overall class performance, identify struggling students, and tailor instructional strategies accordingly.

Course reports in LMS help administrators assess the effectiveness of courses, monitor trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve the overall learning experience.


By analyzing this data, instructors can optimize instructional methods and enhance the educational outcomes for their learners.

Course reports are vital in creating an engaging and effective learning experience for all participants.

For instance, I have tried various LMS reporting tools, such as ProProfs Training Maker, AbsorbLMS, and Docebo, and they have helped me incredibly to keep track of my learners.

Watch: How to Analyze Training Course & Quiz Results

Who Uses It

  • Instructors and Trainers: Course reports help instructors and training managers evaluate how well their teaching methods resonate with learners. By analyzing individual performance data, they can identify areas where learners may struggle and adjust their approach accordingly.
  • L&D Managers: They rely on course reports to monitor the overall effectiveness of training initiatives. They can identify popular courses, track completion rates, and assess the impact of training on employees’ skills and performance.

How to Use It

  • Performance Evaluation: Instructors and L&D managers can use reports to evaluate the effectiveness of the course content and instructional design.
  • Identifying Learning Gaps: By analyzing the data from course reports, instructors and L&D managers can identify areas where learners are struggling or not performing as expected.
  • Course Improvement: Based on the reports, Instructors and L&D managers can use this information to enhance the course material and improve the overall learning experience.
  • Tracking Learner Progress: LMS course reports help track progress, ensuring learners complete the required modules within the specified timeframe.

  2. Group Reports – Best for Tracking Collaborative Learning & Teamwork


Group reports in an LMS provide a consolidated view of the performance and collaboration of groups or teams within a course. These reports allow instructors to analyze how well groups work together on group LMS project reports, assignments, or discussions.

Group reports typically include data on individual contributions, group interactions, communication patterns, task distribution, and overall group performance.

By accessing group reports, you can identify strong and weak areas within each group, assess the level of participation of individual members, and intervene if necessary to ensure equitable group dynamics.

This information will help you provide targeted support and feedback, foster effective teamwork, and promote a collaborative learning environment for learners within the LMS platform.

Watch: How to Enable Collaboration & Discussions in Your Course

Who Uses It 

  • L&D Managers: Group reports help L&D managers assess the effectiveness of training initiatives and identify trends and patterns within specific learner groups.
  • Team Leaders and Supervisors: Group reports are valuable for team leaders and supervisors to monitor the progress of their teams and identify areas where additional support or training might be needed.

How to Use It 

  • Performance Comparison: Group reports allow L&D managers, team leaders, and supervisors to compare the performance of different learner groups, which helps identify high-performing groups and those that may require additional attention.
  • Identifying Training Needs: By analyzing group reports, stakeholders can identify common areas of improvement for specific teams or departments. This information can be used to tailor training programs that address the specific needs of each group.
  • Team Building and Collaboration: Group reports can facilitate team-building activities and encourage healthy competition.
  • Resource Allocation: L&D managers can allocate training resources more effectively with group reports. They can focus on areas with the greatest need and ensure that training efforts align with the organization’s overall goals.

3. User Reports – Best for Individual Progress Tracking


User reports in an LMS provide a comprehensive overview of individual performance and progress within the platform.

Data like completed courses, grades, assessments, and learning achievements can be found in these reports. They offer valuable insights into individual strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

With access to personalized analytics, users can track their learning journey, set SMART goals, and measure their success. These reports also aid instructors and administrators in assessing the effectiveness of their courses, identifying trends, and tailoring learning experiences to meet individual needs.

Who Uses It 

  • Individual Learners: Users or individual learners are the primary users of user reports. They access these reports to track their progress, view their quiz scores, and monitor their course completion rates.
  • Supervisors and Managers: They may also use user reports to get an overview of their team members’ learning progress.

Watch: How to Share Quiz or Course Reports With Your Learners

How to Use It

  • Self-Progress Tracking: Individual learners use user reports to track their learning progress. By reviewing their performance, users can identify areas where they need to focus more and assess their overall learning performance.
  • Performance Evaluation and Feedback: Supervisors and managers can use these reports to identify areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback during performance discussions.
  • Identifying High Performers and Support Needs: User reports allow supervisors and managers to identify employees excelling in their training efforts and the ones who may be struggling or falling behind, leading to discussions about providing additional support or tailored training solutions.
  • Decision-Making and Resource Allocation: User reports are often used for employee development, training initiatives, and resource allocation.

4. E-commerce Revenue Reports – Best for Financial Performance Analysis


E-commerce revenue reports are comprehensive summaries of an online store’s financial performance, providing insights into the revenue generated through sales transactions of online courses over a specific period.

These reports typically include data on buyers’ details, items sold, date of purchase, country, total sales, product-specific sales, average order value, and revenue from various channels (e.g., website, mobile app, social media). Additionally, they may offer information on customer demographics, purchase behavior, and conversion rates.

These reports are essential for businesses to assess their sales performance, identify best-selling products, evaluate marketing strategies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize revenue and overall profitability in the highly competitive e-commerce landscape.

Who Uses It 

  • Business Owners and Managers: Business owners and top-level managers are primary users of e-commerce revenue reports. They rely on these reports to clearly understand the company’s financial performance, track sales trends, and assess overall revenue growth.
  • Marketing and Sales Teams: E-commerce revenue reports are used by marketing teams to identify which products or marketing channels drive the most revenue and optimize their efforts accordingly.

How to Use It 

  • Product and Category Analysis: These reports provide insights into the sales performance of individual products and product categories, which help businesses identify top-selling products and capitalize on successful product lines.
  • Marketing and Advertising ROI: By analyzing revenue data alongside marketing and advertising efforts, marketing teams can allocate resources more effectively and focus on strategies that yield the highest revenue.
  • Identifying Sales Trends and Patterns: E-commerce revenue reports allow stakeholders to identify sales trends, such as seasonal fluctuations or changing customer preferences.

Watch: How to Sell Your Quizzes and Courses Online

5. Assessment Reports – Best for Measuring Learning Progress 


Assessment reports are like your performance scorecards, providing valuable feedback on your learning progress and knowledge retention. These reports are generated after completing quizzes, tests, or assignments within a course. You can view the learner’s name, the time taken to complete the assessment, IP address, etc.

Assessment reports offer detailed insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, helping you understand which topics you’ve mastered and which ones might need more attention.

Such reports not only track your performance but also help instructors and educators identify broader trends in the learning process. By using these reports, you can gauge your learning journey and tailor your study approach for a more successful and fulfilling learning experience.

Watch: How to Review Quiz Reports & Statistics

Who Uses It

  • Learners: Assessment reports are valuable tools for learners themselves. They use these reports to gain insights into their individual performance, identify their strengths, and pinpoint areas that require further improvement.
  • Instructors and Educators: Instructors use assessment reports to evaluate their teaching methods and course effectiveness. These reports help identify challenging concepts and adjust their instructional approach to better cater to their learner’s needs.

How to Use It

  • Personalized Learning Paths: Instructors can use assessment reports to optimize learning journeys based on the learner’s areas of strength and weakness.
  • Data-Driven Instruction: Instructors leverage assessment reports to make data-driven decisions, identify common misconceptions, improve course content, and tailor teaching methods to enhance overall learning outcomes.
  • Monitoring Progress: Learners and instructors use assessment reports to track progress over time, allowing learners to see their growth, while instructors can gauge the effectiveness of their teaching strategies and make necessary adjustments to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Feedback and Support: Assessment reports facilitate meaningful feedback and support for learners.


Instructors can provide targeted guidance to individuals who may be struggling, offering additional resources and encouragement to foster their success.

6. Leaderboard Reports – Best for Identifying Top Learners


Leaderboard reports provide comprehensive information on the user rankings based on specific LMS metrics, such as quiz performance, completion rates, or other tracked activities.

These reports present a competitive element to the learning process, displaying top-performing learners and their achievements.

Leaderboard reports in LMS reporting tools foster motivation and engagement by encouraging healthy competition among learners. Learners can compare their progress with others, motivating them to strive for better results and earn a higher position on the leaderboard.

These reports are popular in gamified learning environments, online courses, and training programs, as they create a sense of accomplishment and recognition, driving continuous improvement and active participation.

Who Uses It 

  • Learners and Participants: Learners are the primary users of leaderboard reports. They eagerly check their positions on the leaderboard to assess their performance compared to peers and competitors, fueling their motivation to excel and reach higher ranks.
  • Instructors and Educators: Instructors use leaderboard reports to foster healthy competition and engagement among learners. By showcasing top performers, instructors can recognize and reward outstanding achievements, encouraging others to strive for excellence.

How to Use It 

  • Motivation and Engagement: Learners can leverage leaderboard reports as a motivational tool to stay engaged with their learning journey. By seeing their progress in relation to others, they are inspired to put in extra effort to climb up the rankings and achieve recognition.
  • Recognizing Achievements: Celebrating top performers fosters a positive learning environment, encouraging healthy competition and enhancing the overall learning experience.
  • Identifies Improvement Areas: By analyzing leaderboard data, instructors can identify learners who may be struggling and provide targeted support or additional resources to help them improve their performance.
  • Promotes Social Learning: Leaderboard reports help learners to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate to enhance their understanding of course materials.

7. Enrollment History Reports – Best for Compliance Monitoring


Another LMS reporting example includes enrollment history reports, which contain the details of an individual’s or a group’s enrollment activities within an LMS over a specific period. These reports capture details like course enrollments, enrollment dates, and completion status.

Enrollment history reports provide valuable insights into learners’ learning pathways, helping track their progress and participation in various courses and training programs. They are essential tools for learners, instructors, and administrators to monitor training initiatives, identify enrollment trends, and assess the effectiveness of educational offerings.

These reports also aid in compliance tracking, allowing organizations to ensure that learners meet mandatory training requirements and certifications through timely course enrollments and completions.

Who Uses It 

  • Learners and Students: Learners are the primary users of enrollment reports. They access these reports to review their course enrollments, track their learning progress, and ensure they are on the right path to completing their desired courses.
  • Administrators and Course Coordinators: These stakeholders also use enrollment reports to manage course enrollments, monitor learner participation, and ensure smooth course registration and allocation of resources.

How to Use It

  • Course Planning and Scheduling: Learners can use enrollment reports to plan their learning journey. By reviewing available courses and enrollment dates, they can strategically schedule learning and ensure they register for courses aligned with their learning goals.
  • Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning: By analyzing enrollment data, administrators and course coordinators can determine the demand for specific courses and allocate instructors and materials accordingly.
  • Progress Monitoring and Support: If a learner encounters challenges or withdraws from a course, administrators can offer timely support and guidance to ensure the learner’s success.
  • Identifying Popular Courses: Enrollment reports provide valuable insights into the popularity of courses and training programs. Administrators can use this data to identify trends and offer more of the most sought-after courses to meet learners’ preferences and demands.

8. Survey Reports – Best for Feedback and Improvement Insights


Within an LMS, survey reports are another type of reporting and analytics, containing compiled data from surveys and feedback forms completed by learners, instructors, or other stakeholders.

These reports analyze the responses provided, extracting valuable insights and trends. They help administrators and course creators understand learners’ opinions, satisfaction levels, and feedback on various aspects of the learning experience.

Additionally, survey reports help identify areas that require improvement, assess the effectiveness of training programs, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall learning environment and course content.

Who Uses It

  • Course Creators and Instructors: Course creators and instructors rely on these reports to gather feedback from learners about their course content, teaching methods, and overall learning experience. This enables them to assess the effectiveness of their courses and make improvements based on learners’ input.
  • Administrators and L&D Managers: These stakeholders use survey reports to gain insights into the overall satisfaction of learners with the LMS platform and training programs. They can identify trends, assess the quality of training initiatives, and address any areas for improvement.

How to Use It 

  • Course Enhancement and Personalization: Survey reports help identify specific areas where learners require additional support or clarification. By analyzing feedback, instructors can customize the course content to cater to learners’ needs, creating a more engaging and personalized learning experience.
  • Continuous Improvement and Decision-Making: The survey data guides the decision-making processes, allowing instructors to implement changes that enhance user satisfaction and better learning outcomes.
  • Assessment of Training Effectiveness: By gathering feedback on the learning experience through reports, administrators and instructors can make data-driven decisions to enhance training initiatives and achieve better learning outcomes.
  • User Engagement and Retention: By understanding what aspects of the learning experience resonate positively with learners, stakeholders can implement strategies to increase user engagement and promote higher retention rates.

9. Certification Reports – Best for Compliance Tracking and Verification 


Certification reports provide data on learners’ achievements and compliance with specific training or certification requirements. These reports compile data on learners who have completed designated courses or training programs and obtained relevant certifications or accreditations.

The reports may include information such as the names of certified learners, course completion dates, certification validity periods, and any associated credentials earned.

Certification reports are essential for organizations to track and verify the compliance of their employees or learners with industry standards, regulatory requirements, or internal training goals. These reports ensure learners meet the qualifications and maintain up-to-date certifications for their roles or professions.

Watch: How to Create Custom Certificates With Your Own Logo and Branding

Who Uses It

  • Learners and Professionals: Learners and professionals access these reports to view and download their earned certificates as proof of completing specific courses or training programs successfully.


  • Human Resources and Compliance Managers: These reports help ensure the HR and compliance managers that employees meet the required qualifications and maintain up-to-date certifications as per organizational or regulatory standards.

How to Use It

  • Credential Showcase: Learners and professionals can use certificate reports to showcase their earned credentials to potential employers or clients. Learners can strengthen their resumes and professional profiles by providing tangible evidence of their training and achievements.
  • Compliance Verification: HR and compliance managers use certificate reports to verify that employees have completed mandatory training or certifications. These reports help ensure compliance with industry regulations, internal training requirements, and safety standards.
  • Performance Recognition: Certificate reports serve as a means of recognizing and celebrating learners’ accomplishments. Organizations can acknowledge top performers and provide incentives to encourage continuous learning and skill development.
  • Training Program Evaluation: By analyzing certificate reports, HR and L&D managers can evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. These reports can help identify popular courses, assess completion rates, and gauge the overall impact of training initiatives on employee skill development.

Harness the Power of LMS Reporting and Analytics!

In the realm of modern education and training, LMS reporting and analytics are essential for success. As an industry expert, I’ve shared the top nine types to track training. From monitoring progress to assessing performance, understanding engagement, and optimizing learning paths, these insights are invaluable in guiding training programs.

Embrace the potential of LMS reporting to enhance training outcomes, boost learner satisfaction, and ultimately elevate your organization’s success. Let data be your guiding light, illuminating the path to a brighter, more efficient future in training and development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LMS reporting?

LMS reporting refers to gathering, analyzing, and presenting data within a LMS. It generates various types of reports, such as enrollment reports, assessment reports, and survey reports, to provide valuable insights into learners’ progress, course effectiveness, and overall performance. LMS reporting enables instructors, administrators, and stakeholders to make data-driven decisions, optimize training strategies, and ensure a successful and engaging learning experience for learners.

What are the benefits of LMS reporting?

The benefits of LMS reporting are many. It empowers stakeholders to monitor learners’ progress, assess courses’ effectiveness, and identify improvement areas. LMS reporting provides valuable insights into learners’ performance, engagement, and training outcomes. This data-driven approach enables instructors and administrators to tailor learning content, enhance teaching methodologies, and make informed decisions to optimize the learning experience. Additionally, LMS reporting aids in compliance tracking, performance evaluation, and resource allocation, leading to improved training outcomes and organizational success.

Can I customize or create my reports in the LMS?

The ability to customize or create reports in an LMS depends on the platform’s features and functionalities. Many modern LMS offer customization options, allowing users to tailor reports based on specific data points, metrics, and filters. Administrators or advanced users often have the flexibility to design their reports to meet their unique LMS reporting requirements. This customization capability empowers users to extract the precise insights they need, making LMS reporting a versatile and powerful tool for data analysis and decision-making. Find out How to Sort User Reports

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About the author

Kamy Anderson is an online training expert and a product manager. He leads the product vision and strategy of ProProfs Training Maker. Kamy blogs about trends in eLearning, online training, employee training, gamification, LMS, AI, and more. His articles are published in eLearningIndustry, TrainingMag, Training Zone, and Learning Solutions Magazine. You can connect with Kamy on LinkedIn.