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10 Best Corporate eLearning Solutions for Business in 2024

10 Best Corporate eLearning Solutions for Business in 2024

With over a decade of experience in the e-learning industry, I understand your challenges. The corporate world is rapidly evolving, and updating your team’s skills is no small task. That’s why finding the best corporate e-learning solutions is crucial.

In this piece, I’ll guide you in selecting e-learning solutions that empower your teams, enhance skills, and, ultimately, drive your company’s growth and innovation.

What Is Corporate eLearning?

Corporate eLearning refers to the system of digital learning implemented by organizations to train their employees. It encompasses online courses, training programs, and educational resources designed to enhance skills, knowledge, and productivity in a corporate setting.

Most eLearning solutions support continuous professional development, adapt to individual learning paces, and address specific organizational needs, enabling companies to stay competitive and employees to grow in their careers.

“eLearning is a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically. It can also include performance support content. Many different elements can make up a learning program, such as live or pre-recorded lecture content, video, quizzes, simulations, games, activities, and other interactive elements.” – Association for Talent Development.

List of Corporate eLearning Solutions 

I’m excited to share a list of the best eLearning solutions. I put in a lot of hard work and did thorough research to create this list, ensuring these options are reliable and effective.

1. ProProfs Training Maker 

ProProfs Training Maker is a comprehensive and user-friendly online platform designed to simplify and enhance how you create, manage, and deliver online training programs.

It comes with customizable templates, readymade corporate eLearning courses, reporting, certificates, and integrations with various APIs.

The platform supports training in multiple languages and offers virtual classroom software for administering learners from anywhere, at any time. ProProfs Training Maker is ideal for a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and more.

Check out what customers have to say about this tool:

With over 4 million users and 100,000+ courses and tests created, ProProfs Training Maker is a leading solution for employee training, compliance training, and more.

2. Cornerstone OnDemand 

Cornerstone OnDemand 

Cornerstone OnDemand is one of the best corporate eLearning companies that offers a comprehensive talent management platform to align organizational goals with individual aspirations.

This platform enables organizations to deliver, manage, and track global training, providing personalized development opportunities and unlocking employees’ full potential.

With over 125 million users, this eLearning solution offers robust insights for optimizing talent, engaging the workforce with premium learning content, and supporting continuous growth. It stands out for its ability to empower organizations to work more effectively, offering solutions that cater to a wide range of needs, from learning and development to recruitment and onboarding.

Cornerstone’s commitment to driving significant outcomes for people and organizations is evidenced by its impressive ROI, vast course registrations, and continuous engagement in learning activities.

3. Learning Pool

Learning Pool

Learning Pool optimizes employee performance by delivering personalized learning experiences. The platform customizes training based on individual needs and business objectives based on data. This facilitates more effective training and preparation for current and future challenges.

With features like engaging user experience design, social and cohort learning options, personalized recommendations, and mobile learning capabilities, this software aims to make workplace learning more intuitive and impactful.

The best part about this eLearning training solution is that it has tools for skills identification and gap analysis, which help businesses align learning strategies with their goals and measure the impact of training on team performance.

4. iSpring Learn

iSpring Learn

The iSpring Learn LMS is best suited for onboarding, upskilling, and certification processes for teams across various industries. It supports various training programs, such as compliance, product, sales training, employee performance appraisal, and partner/customer training.

This LMS aims to enhance employee skills, improve workflows, reduce hiring costs, and build a better HR brand. This tool simplifies course creation without coding skills, facilitates training assignments, measures ROI with concrete data, and automates repetitive tasks for efficiency.

It scales business growth through improved training and includes ready-made expert courses. Recognized for its value and comprehensive features, iSpring Learn serves over 2,400 teams in 75+ countries, emphasizing its global acceptance and effectiveness in employee training.

5. Docebo


Docebo is an AI-powered LMS designed for enterprise-level training and development. We have mainly used this for its AI capabilities, and I must say that it’s a game-changer! It offers a blend of sharp design and advanced functionality, with the flexibility to accommodate any team or use case.

With its boundless configurability, users can create audience-specific pages quickly using drag-and-drop tools. The platform boasts over 400 integrations, enabling seamless connection with various SaaS business systems without coding.

Docebo excels in customer education, partner enablement, and retention, supporting the delivery and sale of online courses to multiple external audiences. It also emphasizes AI-based upskilling and reskilling, offering automated, personalized learning that aligns with business needs.

6. Infopro Learning

Infopro Learning

Infopro Learning offers managed learning services, including learning strategy, talent acquisition, measurement, analytics, and custom, curated, and pre-built content for diverse learning needs.

Infopro Learning’s platforms, Unlock: LEARN and Unlock: OKR, are designed to enhance corporate learning and performance management through intuitive features like course management, integrations, self-service reporting, and gamification.

Serving various industries, including professional services, finance, healthcare, and technology, it aims to transform business through engaging learning experiences and leadership development.

The company’s insights focus on critical areas like employee engagement, diversity, and strategic leadership, underlining its commitment to fostering inclusive and effective workplaces.

7. Tovuti LMS

Tovuti LMS

Tovuti LMS is one of the top corporate eLearning solutions for small to mid-sized businesses and large enterprises.  Tovuti offers a range of features, including the ability to create engaging courses, quizzes, and lessons quickly using professionally designed themes and templates.

It emphasizes personalized learning experiences, ensuring content is accessible and engaging across all devices.

With a focus on security, Tovuti provides enterprise-scale data protection, including end-to-end encryption and disaster recovery. The platform is celebrated for its customer support, ease of use, and ability to enhance training outcomes and ROI significantly.

8. Open LMS

Open LMS

Open LMS Work is a Moodle™-based LMS tailored for businesses, non-profits, and government organizations of all sizes. It offers a customizable platform to align learning initiatives with business goals, ensuring a seamless blend of educational content delivery and organizational outcomes.

This corporate eLearning solution stands out for its focus on flexibility, scalability, and user engagement, boasting features like multi-tenancy, tailored branding, robust reporting, and comprehensive compliance tools.

With a commitment to accessibility and a robust support system, including 24/7 end-user assistance and a 98% client satisfaction rate, Open LMS Work ensures a smooth and efficient online training experience.

Its emphasis on no software license fees means investments go directly into services and support, optimizing training outcomes and development activities. Open LMS Work is your partner in delivering impactful learning experiences backed by an experienced global team dedicated to your success.

9. Aims Digital 

Aims Digital 

Aims Digital is a leading provider of custom eLearning solutions tailored to meet corporate clients’ specific needs.

With a focus on creating engaging and interactive eLearning courses, Aims Digital leverages a range of interactivities, from games to multimedia content, to keep learners engaged and invested in their learning journey.

The corporate elearning company is known for its comprehensive approach to eLearning, offering services such as mobile learning, rapid authoring, localization, legacy content modernization, blended learning, explainer videos, instructional design, and custom eLearning development.

10. SweetRush 


SweetRush is a transformative force in the custom learning solutions sector, blending innovative technology with effective instructional design to deliver impactful training programs.

They are driven by a passion to significantly impact both personal and organizational success, offering a wide array of services from mobile learning to eLearning and instructor-led training to interactive games and simulations.

Using the ADDIE model, SweetRush focuses on understanding and meeting business objectives, ensuring their solutions are educational and strategically aligned with their client’s needs. Their commitment to creativity, collaboration, innovation, and strategy has positioned them as a trusted partner in developing learning solutions that are both engaging and effective.

8 Essential Components of Corporate eLearning

Components of corporate eLearning are the essential elements that make up an effective and engaging online training program for employees. Here are the key ones:

1. Learning Management System (LMS)

The backbone of any eLearning program, an LMS allows you to create, deliver, manage, track, and analyze online courses and assessments. It provides a centralized portal where employees can log in, access training materials, participate in quizzes, and monitor their progress actively.

This system streamlines the educational process and enables administrators to monitor engagement, performance, and overall learning outcomes closely.

2. Online Training Content

This includes various digital learning materials such as videos, PDFs, slide presentations, and interactive modules. The content should be engaging, relevant, and aligned with your organization’s learning objectives.

Doing so ensures that the content not only holds your learners’ interest but also significantly contributes to professional development.

3. Interactive Elements

To enhance learning and retention, incorporating interactive elements like quizzes, simulations, and gamification can be very effective. These elements make learning more engaging and allow learners to practice their skills in a risk-free environment.

In fact, a study by the Brandon Hall Group found that organizations that use interactive learning tools such as simulations, games, and scenarios report higher levels of employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention than those that rely on traditional e-learning methods.

4. Mobile Learning

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, employees take to mobile learning to access training materials on the go. In fact, by 2025, the global mobile learning market is expected to reach USD 37.6 billion.

It’s crucial for eLearning solutions and platforms to be mobile-friendly to accommodate the needs of modern learners.

5. Analytics and Reporting Tools

These tools help track the effectiveness of your eLearning program. They provide insights into how learners interact with the courses, their progress, areas of strength, and where they might need more support.

6. Personalization and Adaptive Learning

Tailor the learning experience to meet your learners’ needs. This helps improve engagement and outcomes. Adaptive learning technologies adjust the content based on the learner’s performance, providing a personalized learning path.

Here’s a real-life example of how IQC Security & Loss Prevention Consultancy used ProProfs Training Maker for personalized learning.

Here’s what Sakil Mahmud Khan, the Business Development Manager of IQC Security & Loss Prevention Consultancy, has to say:

“The best part of ProProfs is the flexibility in customization it offers.”

7. Social Learning and Collaboration 

When learners work together, they learn better.

Despite the overwhelming support for collaborative learning, it doesn’t happen very often in the workplace. I feel this is where organizations go wrong! The lack of structured opportunities for collaborative learning can hinder not only the growth and development of individual employees but also the innovation and adaptability of the organization as a whole.

Features that enable peer-to-peer interaction, such as discussion forums and group projects, can enhance the learning experience.

For instance, ProProfs Collaborate enhances the eLearning experience by offering a Q&A platform for peer-to-peer interaction and knowledge exchange. This platform empowers learners to delve into course-related questions, engage in meaningful discussions, participate in group projects, and tap into the collective knowledge and insights of their peers and instructors from anywhere at any time.

8. Compliance and Certification Management

For industries requiring ongoing compliance training, eLearning programs must include features for managing certifications, deadlines, and regulatory compliance content.

These industries often operate under strict regulatory frameworks, where failing to meet compliance requirements can result in significant legal and financial penalties.

Managing certifications ensures all employees have up-to-date qualifications and know the latest industry standards and practices.

Benefits of Implementing Corporate eLearning

Implementing corporate eLearning solutions within an organization brings a multitude of benefits, enhancing both employee development and organizational efficiency.

Here are the top five benefits:

  1. Cost Efficiency
  2. Flexibility and Accessibility
  3. Customization and Scalability
  4. Improved Learning Retention
  5. Data and Analytics for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

1. Cost Efficiency

eLearning reduces many costs associated with traditional learning methods. This includes savings on travel, venue rentals, printed materials, and instructor fees.

Online training platforms allow employees to learn from their desks or anywhere with internet access, minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.

Watch this: How KDD Transformed Employee Training & Significantly Reduced Costs | ProProfs Case Study

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2. Flexibility and Accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of eLearning is its flexibility. Employees can access training materials anytime, anywhere, making it easier to fit learning into their busy schedules.

This mainly benefits companies with remote or global teams, ensuring consistent training across all locations.

3. Customization and Scalability

eLearning platforms allow for the customization of learning paths and materials to suit the individual needs of each employee.

Customization and Scalability

Training can be tailored to address the specific skills and knowledge gaps of a workforce. Moreover, eLearning can easily scale to accommodate growth in employee numbers, ensuring that training materials are always available to new hires.

4. Improved Learning Retention

The Research Institute of America found that eLearning increases retention rates by 25% to 60%, while retention rates of face-to-face training are very low in comparison: 8% to 10%.

eLearning incorporates interactive elements, multimedia, and gamification, which can enhance engagement and, consequently, retention of information.

Digital learning environments are designed to be engaging and interactive, helping employees retain information better than traditional lecture-based learning.

7. Data and Analytics for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

eLearning platforms provide detailed analytics and reporting tools that help organizations track and analyze employee progress and engagement.

This data can be used to identify areas where employees may need additional support, measure the effectiveness of training programs, and continuously improve the learning experience.

By leveraging these benefits, organizations can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, leading to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes and new technologies.

How to Choose the Best Corporate eLearning Solutions

Choosing the best corporate eLearning solutions for your business can be daunting, as there are many factors to consider. However, I’ll share the top six tips that my organization follows to find the most suitable option.

First, assess your training needs and the types of employees you want to train. Different solutions may cater to different groups of learners, such as frontline workers or back office staff.

Next, define your goals, learning objectives, and the outcomes you want to achieve. This will help you align your training content with your business goals and measure its effectiveness.

Once done, consider customization options and the level of flexibility you need. Some solutions may offer more features and integrations than others, allowing you to tailor your courses to your specific requirements.

Fourth, evaluate the LMS features and the functionalities they provide. Look for features that enhance the learning experience, such as gamification, microlearning, analytics, and feedback.

Fifth, consider the cost implications of each solution. It’s vital to find a solution that not only meets your training needs but also fits within your budget. Check out this guide to know more.

Lastly, ensure you have access to reliable and responsive customer service and that the solution can work seamlessly with your existing systems and tools.

By following these steps, you can choose the best corporate eLearning solution for your business and maximize the benefits of online training.

Transform Your Workforce With Corporate eLearning

In my experience, corporate eLearning solutions are more than just a tool. I would say they are a catalyst for transformation.

As you explore these top eLearning platforms, remember one thing: You are envisioning a future where your teams are more skilled, adaptable, and aligned with your organizational goals. 

I encourage you to see this not just as a choice of a platform but as a strategic step towards building a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Remember, in the corporate world, the investment we make in our people’s learning today is the foundation of our success tomorrow.

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About the author

The ProProfs Training Maker Editorial Team is a passionate group of eLearning experts dedicated to empowering your learning experiences with top-notch training content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your training initiatives.